Monday, January 27, 2014

Ava's Tooth!

 Tomorrow will be our 8th snow day this school year.  This is unheard of!  And starting to get on my nerves!  We've also had countless 2 hour delays… The above picture showed what happened one fine snow day.  The older two stuffed Lulu into Ava's toy box and pulled her around the house.  She enjoyed the ride (she enjoy's climbing into things!).
And this happened tonight!  Ava lost her first tooth!  She has had a wiggly tooth forever (her birthday it was wiggly!).  She finally let BJ pull it tonight  and she was all kinds of excited.  She wrote the tooth fairy a note asking what she does with all the teeth.  Now I have to get creative with my response!  I've also got to find a dollar!

1 comment:

  1. I can't believe how many snow days and 2-hr delays you guys have had! T has had a couple of snow days and it is getting on my nerves so I can only imagine what you guys are dealing with. Tell Ava congratulations on the tooth!
