Tuesday, January 18, 2011

January 18, Day 349

My mom and dad stopped by tonight to drop off a game for me to use at school. Ava would not let Papa get away. She made him take off his coat and go to her room to look at her games. Mom went back to rescue him, and when they came out Dad had "two babies!" Ava thinks it is hilarious for some reason for somebody to hold both her and True at the same time.

Truett is 8 months old today! To celebrate, he crawled for the first time! He was up on his hands and knees and moved his hands and knees both a few times! It was very exciting. Of course, he was trying to get to forbidden toys... but it was very exciting.


  1. Uh-oh, the fun begins...

    Hey, I want a print of that picture. It's good of all three of them.

  2. True takes after his daddy - Bub used to fall asleep ANYWHERE in ANY position. :)
