Saturday, October 10, 2009

October 10, Day 256

My poor sweet Ava girl... We had to go to the Prompt Med Center today because Ava dislocated her elbow!  BJ was holding her hand and she tripped while we were at a friend's house (30 minutes away from home) and her elbow somehow got dislocated.  She cried the entire way home - we weren't sure what to think.  When we got home and she still wouldn't move her arm, we decided to take her to the doctor.  Poor girl cried every time she tried to move her arm - her left arm:  aka thumb sucking hand, so no comforting herself.  After about two hours in the waiting room (and listening to one man vomit multiple times) we saw the doctor for about 3 minutes, who was able to pop her little elbow back into place.  She gave the doctor a look that could kill and cried, but a minute later she was using her arm just like normal.  I am exhausted!  I hated seeing my baby in pain!


  1. Poor Ava girl! Were you freaked out when they popped her elbow back? It would me!

  2. aww..poor thing! I would have been a wreck!! I am glad she is alright now!
